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Your free & fast gateway to meeting and hotel accommodation
in The Netherlands

Over ons management team


René Vlieger started his career in the early 1970’s when tourism became available for large groups as local representative in Spain, working for Dutch, English and German tour operators. Back in The Netherlands in the 1980’s started to work on a free lance basis for a well known incentive house founding his own company Guideline meeting and congress service and later AmsterdamIncentives. In these years he has gained reputation as a very reliable partner for many international clients.

Jaap Maarse started his career in the airline industry. After travelling through Europe and Asia he was co-founder of The house of Performance Improvement, a full-service bureau for Event and Travel Marketing. In 2006 he initiated Incentive Direct targeting the online market for incentive travel, international meetings and other business events. Where Incentive Direct is offering outbound incentive travel, Meeting Direct is offering incoming incentive travel.